FutureReadyNYC is the opportunity to transform the student experience and reimagine what transformational schooling can look like for the future. To enable that reimagining, FutureReadyNYC provides schools with the “launch funding” and support they need to build this future as they develop and implement high-quality college- and career-connected pathways.
From the time schools begin in FutureReadyNYC, they should expect two years of launch-level funding. Schools were asked to share in their FRNYC applications what existing school resources will be used for FutureReadyNYC purposes to support sustainability planning. Schools will be eligible for funding increases if they are approved to launch additional pathways/grow sections in current pathways.
Schools continuing in FRNYC should expect that a significant portion of instructional costs (e.g. teacher salary, per diem) will be absorbed into their existing budget in the third year of their participation in FRNYC and will be supported to continue FRNYC programming in a sustainable way. Specifically, the Office of Student Pathways, NYCPS Finance, and superintendent teams will support schools, taking into account differences across school models, with developing sustainable funding models to empower enduring success in quality pathway implementation in the coming school year.
Schools will be required to complete and submit an FRNYC implementation plan and a budget proposal based on their school needs to support pathways development, as well as the number of sections/students served as part of their application*. Schools should submit budget proposals based on their individualized funding needs and requirements up to the amounts listed below. Guidelines on uses of funding and funding amounts based on feedback from current FRNYC schools are listed below.
*Note: FRNYC schools continuing to participate will be required to submit a spending plan in the spring 2025 for SY25-26. More details will be available about SY25-26 budget guidance in the coming months.
Funding (Specific to Cohort Year)
Funding support will be tied to a high school’s commitment of sections1 per grade band that will launch and sustain a FRNYC program designation and to support the start-up costs. All funding is pending confirmation of budget approval and availability.
1 Each section = 25 students
FY 24-25: Cohort 3: First Year Implementation; CTE Dedicated, Portfolio Audition, Portfolio Academic Schools
The SAM amount is intended to fund between 1 to 2 staff members for career-connected learning, work-based learning coordination, or personalized pathways advising. Funding will depend on the number of students to be engaged in ALL FRNYC programming components; schools should complete a budget template based on school size/number of sections detailed below:
First year schools will implement 1 section (25 students per grade) per grade starting with universal career exploration for all freshmen in 9th grade; these schools will be allocated up to $185K with at least $25K allocated to pathway advising and career navigation support.
FRNYC-CTE in CTE-dedicated schools, Portfolio Academic, and Portfolio Audition Schools will receive a one-time funding of $50,000 in their first year of implementation. Schools may start out with a minimum of 25 students per grade. FRNYC Students will need to be engaged in ALL FutureReadyNYC programming components.
FY 24-25: Cohort 1 and 2; Full Implementation; CTE Dedicated, Portfolio Audition, Portfolio Academic Schools
As with FY 24 the SAM amount remains the same (with adjustments for changes to staffing costs) for schools with 1 pathway and 1-3 sections, with the addition of $25K per school to support advising and career navigation support.
Cohort 1 schools will need to demonstrate absorption of 10% of FRNYC costs into their school budgets to begin planning for sustainability.
Growth by additional sections or pathways is funded incrementally between $75-80K for one year only to compensate for scaling costs. Specific allocations include:
- Full Implementation, 1 pathway, 1 section: Up to $265K (1.5 FTEs + pathways advising)
- Full Implementation, 1 pathway, 2 sections: Up to $345K (2 FTEs + pathways advising)
- Full Implementation, 1 pathway, 2 sections: Up to $ 505K (3 FTEs + pathways advising)
- Full Implementation, 2 pathway, 2 sections: Up to $ 420K (2.5 FTEs + pathways advising)
- Full Implementation, 2 pathway, 3 sections: Up to $ 580K (3.5 FTEs + pathways advising)
For large schools with more than 3 sections and multiple pathways: Schools receive the higher of two options:
- Option 1: A max of up to $580K in line with the maximum amount any school will receive this year to ensure schools are able to plan for sustainability of the program in the longer term OR
- Option 2: An additional allocation for SY 24-25 to serve at least 300 FRNYC students and an additional $75K per new pathway for one year only.
CRMYA + FRNYC Schools (All Cohort Years)
FRNYC schools also implementing CRMYA will receive an addition of $20K embedded in their FRNYC allocation.
CTE designated FRNYC schools implementing CRMYA will receive a one-off 20K allocation in their CRMYA allocation.
Funding Uses (All Cohort Years)
Schools should primarily use funding to support new staffing and hiring costs including hiring of teachers or counselors for career-connected instruction, pathways advising, work-based learning coordination, as well as professional learning. Some funds may be used as administrative support of the FRNYC program, for example: recruitment/marketing, enrollment, attendance and ongoing logistical support with WBL and higher ed partners. Capital expenditure and student wages are not permissible. As part of the application (cohort 3) and the Quality Implementation and Planning Process initiated in Spring 2024 for cohort 1 and 2, schools completed a spending plan detailing planned expenditures for their implementation in FY 25.
Bronx STEAM; CRMYA; FRNYC: Schools participating in FRNYC and CRMYA and who are also selected to become partner schools to the Bronx STEAM Center are expected to leverage FRNYC and CRMYA funding towards designing, planning, supporting student readiness and recruitment into the STEAM Center for September 2025.
Advising Funding: Schools selected to participate in FutureReadyNYC receive up to ~$25K for staff capacity to deliver personalized pathways advising. Schools receiving this allocation for advising as part of the Student Pathways SAM will not be eligible to apply for additional funding via the College and Career Advising SAM in FY25; further details on that SAM will be available in the coming months. FRNYC schools in Pathways Advising Initiative will not receive the additional 25K for advising. CTE designated schools, portfolio academic and audition schools participating in FRNYC can still apply for the College and Career Advising SAM in FY 25.
Designation Process (All Cohort Years)
FRNYC Key Implementation Measures: Starting in August 2024, the Office of Student Pathways will introduce Key Implementation Measures to monitor progress towards quality implementation of each core FRNYC component and the integrated delivery of all five components. Key Implementation Measures will also be used to ensure that progress is equitable in its delivery. These Measures will further be used to inform and confirm an FRNYC designation process that will go into effect in SY 25-26; schools that wish to be considered for FRNYC designation will need to be in good standing on the Key Implementation Measures.