The Office of Student Pathways would like to extend immense gratitude and appreciation to our Cohort 1 and 2 partner schools and principals for championing FRNYC programming, innovating around challenges and offering feedback and thought partnership to each other and to the central office. We look forward to supporting and learning alongside you all next year as you launch and sustain career connected pathways at your schools.

We would also like to acknowledge our partners in the design of FutureReadyNYC: Education Strategy Group and Bain & Company Social Impact. Your guidance, commitment to equity and deep experience accelerated our learning and expanded our capacity to deliver on the Chancellor’s and Mayor’s bold ambition for FutureReadyNYC. 

Our call to action for expanded work-based learning and early college credit and credentialing experiences for FutureReadyNYC was made possible through our higher education partner, the City University of New York (CUNY), our anchor partners Northwell Health and Google, and the larger NYC employer ecosystem employer partners. Our work-based learning intermediaries Grant Associates, Futures and Options, and ExpandEd Schools delivered on several thousand WBL experiences and brought these learnings to inform this playbook. Thank you for your tireless support of our schools and the students they serve. 

We’d also like to thank our FRNYC coaching collective and curriculum partners who rolled up their sleeves to support our first cohort and provided individualized coaching to our FRNYC school leaders and their teams. Education Strategy Group (ESG), the Bank Street College of Education, Pencil, NAF, Eskolta School Research and Design, The Urban Assembly, The Internationals Network, Big Picture Learning, Educate LLC and Virtual Enterprises—thank you! 

We’d like to thank team members from various NYCPS offices who supported authoring this playbook—Division of Teaching and Learning, Division of Multilingual Learners, Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support, Office of Academic Policy, Office of Labor Relations, and the Division of School Leadership.

Lastly, thank you to the Office of Student Pathways team for your relentless efforts to author this playbook and for leading the way in partnership with schools and our stakeholders towards bold futures for our students. 

With gratitude,

The FutureReadyNYC team & the Office of Student Pathways, NYCPS

Do you have feedback on what should be covered in this playbook? Please email