
Overview of school staffing expectations to drive the planning and execution of FRNYC.

Staffing Your School's Postsecondary Leadership Team for FutureReadyNYC

FRNYC schools are expected to staff a Postsecondary Leadership Team to drive the planning and execution of FRNYC.


  • Schools may choose to hire new staff or allocate existing staff to fill these roles
  • Each role may be filled by a single staff member or shared across multiple staff

Refer to the Budget section for more details on how schools may use their SAM budgets to build out their teams.

FRNYC principals should build a postsecondary leadership team to drive accountability, implementation, and continuous improvement of programming. Teams should convene regularly to assess progress, review data on participation and engagement, and build out systems and structures to sustain FRNYC programming. Superintendents also play a critical role in supporting school teams in the implementation of career connected learning. The Office of Student Pathways convenes superintendents and their "pathway champions" each month to keep them abreast of school progress via data snapshots, programmatic priorities, and PL opportunities for school staff.

The table below details the roles required for your Postsecondary Leadership Team.

    • Role

    • Description

    • Estimated time commitment to FRNYC

    • FRNYC Coordinator
    • A designated school team member (likely a Principal or Assistant Principal) to coordinate and project manage each facet of the FRNYC implementation plan
    • ~0.25 full-time equivalent (FTE), can be staffed from existing headcount
    • FRNYC ECC Coordinator
    • A school’s ECC Coordinator (may play dual FRNYC roles) who collaborates with their CUNY partner to recruit students, engage families, and support retention and success in early-college offerings
    • ~0.25 FTE, can be staffed from existing headcount
    • Work-based Learning Coordinator*
    • A designated teacher or school team member who leads the planning, organization, and implementation of WBL activities across each grade in collaboration with other staff. See here for full coordinator role overview.
    • ~0.5 FTE, may require additional staffing
    • FRNYC CCI Teacher(s)
    • A teacher or teaching team designated to instruct the FRNYC-specific courses aligned with your implementation plan. Refer to the hiring guidance.
    • 1.0-3.0 FTE (depending on school size and implementation strand), can be staffed from existing teacher headcount or from additional headcount
    • FRNYC College & Career Advisor
    • A counselor or other staff person assigned to help students determine their personal, educational and career goals and advise both students and families parents, occasionally in collaboration with school administrators, on key planning steps necessary to achieve those goals. Duties include helping students explore college and career interests, reflect on career development experience, develop and refine future plans, complete postsecondary and financial aid applications, and navigate the transition to postsecondary pathways.Note: For SY 24-25, your FRNYC budget included at least a $25,000K allocation to support these functions.
    • 1.0+ FTE, can be staffed from existing headcount
    • ML/ELL Coordinator [Optional role depending on school context]
    • A designated teacher or school team member who provides and guides instruction for ML/ELL students and teachers; designs and delivers a rigorous yet supportive language and literacy curriculum to Newcomer English Learners; meets and speaks with parents regarding their children’s academic and behavioral performance and progress; ensures compliance with Civil Rights regulations, managing and monitoring ELL compliance and assessment, and fulfilling English Learner development requirements as needed; and is TESOL certified
    • ~0.25 FTE, can be staffed from existing headcount
    • Parent Coordinator [Optional role depending on school context]
    • Engages and involves parents in the school community by working with the principal, school staff, SLT, parent associations, community groups, and parent advisory councils. The role focuses on creating a welcoming environment for parents and identifies parent and related school/community issues and works with the principal to see they are addressed
    • ~0.25 FTE, can be staffed from existing headcount
    • Students with IEPs / Transition team leader [Optional role depending on school context]
    • A designated teacher or school team member who provides appropriate services to students preparing for life after graduation. They link school staff, families, and community resource providers, ensuring that students and families have access to available services. They also conduct career assessments and counseling and assist in career exploration activities.
      If applicable, this designated teacher should ensure all FRNYC coursework and programming for students with IEPs adheres to NYCPS Academic Policy Guidance for special populations.
    • ~0.25 FTE, can be staffed from existing headcount

*For more guidance on staffing your WBL team, please refer to our online microcourse:

Presentation Deck: Staffing Your WBL Team

FutureReadyNYC offers the following recommendations for schools preparing to hire new roles:

  • Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the specific roles required for successful FutureReadyNYC implementation
  • Job Description and Qualifications: Develop clear and comprehensive job descriptions outlining the roles, responsibilities, and desired qualifications for each position
  • Onboarding and PL: Develop a robust onboarding program to familiarize new hires with the FRNYC initiative, its goals, and your school's Postsecondary Leadership Team. FRNYC will provide support in ongoing PL opportunities to reinforce staff growth and sustain community and knowledge building