
  • Equip students with lifelong skills and habits around personal finance in order to build economic security through quality coursework.


  • Coursework or other structured programming during school hours to help students develop financial literacy skills and empowerment to effectively manage their money. Financial literacy is the knowledge, skills, and mindsets needed to make informed and responsible financial decisions, manage money effectively, and build a secure and thriving financial future - for self, family, and community.
  • Through this coursework students are provided with the knowledge and skills to develop healthy mindsets and strong habits around personal finance and connect it to their personal pathway. Through this coursework, students will learn about earning income, spending, saving, investing, managing credit, managing risk, saving for college/post secondary opportunities.

Minimum Experiences FRNYC Schools Must Provide to FRNYC Students:

  • Starting in SY24-25, schools will be expected to choose at least one cohort of students between 9th and 12th grade to implement 54 hours of financial literacy coursework during school hours.  Schools will utilize one of the following menu of options:
      • Integrated into Core Content or Pathways specific content area in one semester
      • Integrated into core content or pathways specific content area over the course of one year
      • Stand-alone One Semester Financial Literacy Course
      • Any FRNYC school in cohort 1, 2 or 3 that has been accepted into Cohort 2 of the Next Gen Personal Finance Grant is expected to  offer a stand-alone course in one semester, using NGPF curriculum for at least 50% of instruction.
  • All Schools must schedule and identify financial literacy classroom implementation in STARS utilizing the following:
  • In order to meet these expectations, schools will receive support through professional learning, curriculum resources, FRNYC office hours and Communities of Practice.
  • Specific school program flags:
      • CRMYA and CTE: As per NYSED, NYSED-approved CTE programs may use the CRMYA Career Development course to satisfy CFM. As such, schools that are offering both CRMYA and have NYSED-approved CTE programs that are utilizing the CRMYA Career Development course to satisfy the CFM requirement, this course also satisfies theF FRNYC financial literacy expectation for SY24-25; this expectation may change in SY25-26 as we continue to pilot financial literacy coursework.
      • CTE: Programs intending to pursue a 7+ credit CTE program sequence may use the Career and Financial Management (CFM) framework/coursework, delivered by a CTE licensed teacher, to satisfy this requirement. FRNYC-CRMYA hybrid schools should continue to use the CRMYA career development curriculum to satisfy this program requirement. 
  • Note: If you are a school who applied for Cohort 2 of the Next Gen Personal Finance Grant and have been accepted, you are expected to offer a one semester personal finance course, using NGPF curriculum for at least 50% of instruction.

Additional recommended resources

  • FRNYC Fin Lit Guidance Document
  • Schools can find the Career and Financial Management (CFM) framework here
  • Schools can find the Career and Financial Management (CFM) resource guide here
  • CRMYA schools can find the Career Development Course Materials here
  • All Schools can find the Next Gen Personal Finance curriculum here