As part of the overall strategy for the Office of Student Pathways for SY24-25, FutureReadyNYC Quality and Student Experience have been identified as a top priority. Ensuring quality through the introduction of Key Implementation Measures (KIMs), as referenced in the SY24-25 School Allocation Memo 46, to monitor progress towards implementation of each core FRNYC component and the integrated delivery of all five components for a minimum cohort of 25 students enrolled in an FRNYC sequence. KIMs will also be used to ensure that progress is equitable in its delivery. These measures will further be used to inform and confirm a FRNYC designation process effective SY 25-26: schools that wish to be considered for FRNYC designation will need to be in good standing on the KIMs in SY24-25.Coaching and support provided in partnership with schools will be aligned to school progress and success with the Key Implementation Measures.
Key Implementation Measures are defined as a finite set of measurable programmatic expectations that a school implementing FutureReadyNYC must meet in order to demonstrate quality implementation of FRNYC with fidelity. By satisfactorily completing the FRNYC KIMs over the course of a school year, a school will earn designation as a FutureReadyNYC school, a distinction that indicates the quality and fidelity of the FRNYC programming that school is offering to students.
In SY23-24, a series of checklists were utilized to ensure schools in FRNYC were engaging in the FRNYC initiative. While these checklists form the foundation of the Key Implementation Measures, the KIMs have been designed to better align to the following five principles:
Clearly connected to effective, equitable, and sustainable FRNYC implementation for students
Limited to the most important measures needed to indicate success in overall FRNYC implementation for students
Measurable so progress and satisfactory performance can be assessed accurately
Derived from a specific and reliable data source (e.g., STARS) that allows for regular progress monitoring
Clearly connected to the broader goal of FRNYC for long-term transformational change for the high school experience in NYC public high schools
KIMs Checklist
A detailed month-by month KIMs checklist and calendar to guide school planning and implementation aligned to meeting the Key Implementation Measures is available for SY24-25. These will be used in conjunction with your FRNYC coach to support school success across all five components.
Schools will receive monthly updates on their implementation performance, as well as formal documentation of this performance through four KIMs checkpoints throughout the school year (August, December, March, and June). Schools should work strategically with coaches to make adjustments to their implementation throughout the year to drive success and FRNYC designation.
Completing the KIMs
KIMs have either a yes/no criteria, e.g., “Digital advising tool selected”, or are reported based on a percentage of students who have completed a given activity. For example, for the KIM “50% of FRNYC students have completed their first College & Career Advising 1:1”, a percentage of FRNYC students is reported. Based on that percentage, each KIM is classified as “on track”, “close to track”, “off track” or “missed”.
The baseline for the majority of KIMs is the set of students identified as FRNYC students in STARS, thus timely identification of students in STARS is core to schools meeting the KIMs.
Schools are expected to correct missed KIMs or they will continue to impact their performance evaluation. The only way to correct a missed KIM is to document completion of the missed KIM requirement in the appropriate data source. For example, if a school misses “All FRNYC students have completed their first College & Career Advising 1:1,” they must document all students completing their first College & Career Advising 1:1 in STARS to correct it.
Schools will be able to review their KIM performance in the “KIMs dashboard” tab in their school workbook, which will be updated on the 5th of every month with the latest status as of the end of the previous month (e.g., the KIMs dashboard will be updated on September 5th to represent August performance). Schools who are unable to complete many KIMs will be evaluated by OSP for continued participation in FRNYC. These schools may lose funding and FRNYC continuation if they are disengaged or otherwise unable to make meaningful improvement.
Access KIMs Resources here:
- SY24-25 FRNYC KIMs–Full Implementation Calendar and Checklist
- SY24-25 FRNYC KIMs–First Year Implementation Calendar and Checklist
- KIMs Presentation Deck from Summer ‘24 Institute
- KIMs Guidance Document [SY24-25]